- Explain the life cycle of an ASP .NET page.
- Explain the .NET architecture.
- What are object-oriented concepts?
- How do you create multiple inheritance in c# and .NET?
- When is web.config called?
- How many weg.configs can an application have?
- How do you set language in weg.config?
- What does connection string consist of?
- Where do you store connection string?
- What is abstract class?
- What is difference between interface inhertance and class inheritance?
- What are the collection classes?
- What are the types of threading models?
- What inheritance does VB.NET support?
- What is a runtime host?
- Describe the techniques for optimizing your application?
- Differences between application and session
- What is web application virtual directory?
- Differences between Active.exe and Dll
- Connection pooling in MTS?
- If cookies is disabled in client browser, will session tracking work?
- How do you make your site SSL-enabled?
- Will the following code execute successfully: response.write(’value of i=’+i);
- What are the provides available with VB.NET?
- What is a Process, Sesion and Cookie?
- What are Abstract base classes?
- What are the Difference between bstract base classes and Abstrat classes
- What are interface in .NET?
- How is Polymorphism supports in .NET?
- What are the 2 types of polymorphism supports in .NET?
- Types of compatibilities and explain them.
- What is aggregative? How can it be implements in .NET?
- Difference between COM components and .NET components?how to register it
- Difference between early binding and late binding?
- Asp.NET life cycle? When request mode
- Explain ADO and its objects.
- What is side by side execution?
- Explain serialization?
- Explain a class access specifiers and method acess specifiers.
- What is the difference between overloading and overriding ? how can this be .NET
- Explain virtual function and its usage.
- How do you implement inhetance in .NET?
- If I want to override a method 1 of class A and this class B then how do you declared
- Explain friend and protected friend.
- Explain multiple and multi_level inheritance in .NET?
- Name all kind of access specifiers for a class and for methods?
- What is non-derterministic finalization?
- What is isPostback property?
- What is dictionary base class?
- How can a class be extended and how is this mechanism difff from that of implementation an interface?
- What are indexes .NET?
- How can indexes be implemented in .NET?
Thursday, 4 August 2011
ASP and ASP.NET questions
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