Wednesday, 3 August 2011

ADO .Net Interview Questions

1) Explain about ADO.NET and its features?
ADO.NET features are included in the Microsoft.NET framework. It has software components which help in data access and services. This can be used to make changes to RDBMS and non relational data base systems. This technology is considered to be the forefront of Active X data objects.

2) Explain about Active X data objects?
Active X data objects are used to access data sources and it is based upon the Component object model. This technology allows data base developers to write program without the knowledge of how database is implemented. Knowledge of SQL is absolutely not necessary to write programs in ADO.

3) What are the different languages which implement ADO?
There are several languages which implement ADO technology out of which these are some of the basic they are VB script in ASP, Visual Basic, Delphi, C++, and Microsoft environments. ADO.NET is a new addition to ADO.

4) State some of the basic steps required to access and manipulate data?
Some of the basic steps which should be taken to access and manipulate data are as follows.
* Creating connection object which helps to connect to a database.
* Record set object should be created which facilitates connection to receive data.
* Opening of the connection
* Passing the desired name for your table and performing necessary functions on the fetched data.
* Changes can be done by using the commands update and update batch.

5) Name some of the top level objects which ADO consists?
Some of the several objects which ADO consists are as follows they are
* Connection object is responsible for creating a connection to the database.
* Record object represents data which is not from the database.
* Parameter object represents a sql parameter
* Stream object is responsible to represent data from a text page or web page.

6) Explain about RDO?
A remote data object is also called as RDO in short. This represents data access application programming interface used in operating systems of windows. This was primarily designed for visual basic applications. This feature allows data base developers to interact directly with Open data base connectivity.

7) Explain about Data access objects or DAO?
DAO is used for database access on windows platform. It creates a work space object in which applications or operations are performed. There are two types of database engines they are Jet database engine and ODBC direct database engine.

8) Explain about data provider?
ADO.NET has two primary parts in its architecture out of which one is data provider. It has its own set of objects and it consists of its own classes. Some of them are connection, parameter, data reader, command and data adapter. This provides access to data sources such as Oracle, SQL server, etc.

9) Explain about the command Data reader?
This feature should be used when you have a long list of results and you need to process one at a time. It provides only two features which is read and forward only. Records should be accessed sequentially. Previously accessed records cannot be accessed again.

10) Explain about LINQ?
Language integrated query or LINQ provides developers to query data. It uses strongly typed queries and results. Developer productivity increases by the usage of compile time error checking and intellisense. This feature is common on number of data types.

11) Explain about Data services?
ADO.NET has number of combinations of patterns and resources of libraries. This creates a feature which integrates data services with web. It contains formats which represent data such as JSON and plain XML. This form of interaction enables developers to interact with normal http commands.

12) Explain LINQ to Entities?
This feature allows LINQ query capabilities and it specifically forms a part of the .NET framework. This feature allows developers to program in ADO.NET and ORM. This feature also allows access to third party database. This provides new features to entity data.

13) Explain about command builder class feature?
Implementation of INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE commands is automatic and this class provides the necessary automation. You cannot extend or change the command builder while keeping the base algorithm intact to create action statements.

14) Explain about Db enumerator?
This base class is added to ADO.NET 2.0. This class facilitates the process of obtaining a list of data sources. SQL server returns instances that are available on the network. Programmers do have choice of tools in their hands with this feature.

15) How can you find a problem in the data stack?
Problem can arise from these following instances they are: -
1) Mismatch of schema between the client and database.
2) Network library problems or non existence of data.
3) Wrong SQL generated.
4) Wrong programming logic.

16) Compare and explain about ADO.NET and Visual Stuidio.NET?
If you are planning to create specialized sub classes of the data set then it is better to use visual studio as it has features supporting database schema. Access can be obtained to each field through strongly types properties. Intellisense is much helpful.

17) Explain about the relationship of XML and ADO.NET?
ADO.NET utilizes the power of XML by providing disconnected access to data. This is designed with the help of XML classes in .NET Framework which form the components of single architecture.


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